Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Processes and characteristics of higher thinking skills Topic 3


What is higher thinking skill?

It refer to skills that go beyond memorizing information or regurgitating stories, these skills emphasize the development of analytical skills. So there are different set of skills for this and I will put them here:

Critical thinking is regarded across disciplines as a reasoned or questioning approach to learning as opposed to a doctrinaire or rote approach. Researchers investigating critical thinking in higher education often refer to the Socratic tradition as the origin of the Furedy approach.

The sciences, particularly applied sciences such as engineering and medicine, have investigated problem solving processes because it is the skills involved in problem solving that are considered most critical for graduates of such programs to be able to utilize in their professions.

It is The work on formal operations is based on a developmental approach to knowledge.. it is divided intellectual development into discrete, qualitatively different stages in which progress from one stage to another was demonstrated by a reorganization and extension of the cognitive structures of the preceding stage:

Sensorimotor stage (Birth- 2 years old)
Concrete operations stage (2 to 12 years old)
Formal operations stage (12 to 15 years old)

Joy Paul Guilford  began by describing creative behaviors as consisting of inventing, designing, contriving, composing and planning. To measure creativity he designed tasks for four different creative factors:
  • Ideational, associational and expressional fluency.
  • Flexibility
  • Originality
  • Elaboration

It is the ability to apply logical thinking to break down complex problems into smaller components in order to solve a problem. Analytical skills allow children to solve complex problems by filtering through to the relevant information and identifying patterns or trends.

Metacognitive processes have a forerunner in study skills but they also encompass the control strategies that are important in decision-making in general, hence the term executive. Metacognitive processes merit attention because they display several of the characteristics of the previously examined approaches to intellectual skills. Metacognitive processes serve three general functions for the learner.
  • Place a problem with context
  • Decide which strategy will be implemented 
  • Interpret feedback
In the taxonomy, intellectual skills such as reasoning, problem solving, concept formation and creative thinking were categorized in terms of increasingly complex behaviors. The categories of intellectual skills were comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.

Anderson suggests that there is a compilation process in which skill transits from the declarative to the procedural stage through two subprocesses Composition and Proceduralization


Analysis requires you to examine ideas, evaluate them against what you already know and make decisions. Analysis is a part of critical thinking and the ability to carefully examine something, whether it is a problem, a set of data, or a text


Synthesis, along with analysis and evaluation, is part of critical thinking. Is the ability to combine parts of a whole in new and different ways. It refers to the process of actively analyzing, assessing, evaluating and reflecting on information gathered from observation and experience.


Evaluation is a process that critically examines a program. It involves collecting and analyzing information about a program's activities, characteristics, and outcomes. To judge or calculate the quality, importance, amount, or value of something.

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